Monday, March 5, 2007

Jack is on the move!!

That's right folks! Jack has started crawling!! How exciting for our young budding explorer. He still is making great strides (wink, get it?) in the walking arena. He's using his high chair as a walker to get around I guess till he gets more confident in his walking abilities. It's much harder to push it around on a carpet but he's doing it!

Jack has 3 teeth now, and is starting to tak a lot more. Still a bunch of baby gibberish but he's starting to make sounds that sound like words.

Travis and I had a fun weekend, we went to Ikea and bought a new sofa and tv stand!! The sofa is very comfy, it's a dark purplish brown color and teh tv stand holds our tv well.....and all of our DVDs however we've got so many we have to hide some behind others. We're going to see if we can find baskets or something to put them in that'll fit in the stand.

So we are starting to settle into our new place and we both feel that this place seems much more like home than the first place. We still have a veiw of the lake and we are higher up on a hill than before so we can now see the Olympic mountain range!!! So we can see the lake AND the mountains!! How nice is that, right???

We love it!!

In other news, Travis has been given the responsibility to design the characters for the next Nancy Drew game!! And I have started taking a beginning Acrylics painting class!! I'm realling enjoying it, tonight is the second class and we are painting a still life of a RED apple with a GREEN drape. Nice huh?

If it looks good I'll try and post a picture of it on here. The first painting we did was a still life cube in black and white. It's ok not bad for my second painting. Once we find our camera again I'll see if I can post that one too.

So that's all thats new for now. I think Jack has realized he can get places under his own steam now so I'll be on teh run from now on, but oh well.

Till next post!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just want to say Hello and tell you I still read your blog! Glad to hear that things are going well with you guys. I just got a card from Lisa R. with photos of her cuties and she mentioned that Matt & Jessica are expecting a new baby. How exciting! :)